WINSFORD’S green-fingered residents can replenish their herbaceous borders in time for summer for the cost of a charitable donation. 

John and Hilary Malam’s Annual Front Garden Plant Fair is returning on Saturday, May 4, 10am to 3pm, at their home on Woodlark Close, off Rookery Rise. 

While there is no charge for plants, there will be donation buckets, with all proceeds going to St Luke’s Hospice.  

Not only can you pick up your tomatoes, peppers, courgettes, cucumbers, runner beans, ferns, hostas, and annual and perennial flowers, there will also be a selection of donated tools, ornaments, ceramic pots, and more.  

Northwich Guardian: The Front Garden Plant Fair is a great chance to stock up in time for the summer seasonThe Front Garden Plant Fair is a great chance to stock up in time for the summer season (Image: John Malam)

John said: "My wife and I are both keen gardeners, and we always grow too man plants. What better than to give them away?

"Plants and gardening items are also donated by people from across town, and friends also raise plants and bring them to us. It's a real team effort. 

"It's such fun day. A steady stream of people come and go, generously donating into the St Luke’s collection buckets.

"In 2022, we managed to raised £1,810, and the overall total stands at £4,287 since we started back in 2020.

“If anyone has grown more plants than they can use, they can donate them to us, and we’ll give them away for a worthy cause.”